Exsudex® Negative Pressure Therapy at home
What is negative pressure therapy?
Negative pressure therapy, also known as vacuum therapy, is a special form of therapy in active wound care, which uses a vacuum or controlled negative pressure to stimulate the healing of wounds. This ‘negative’ pressure seeks to heal wounds more quickly by e.g. rapidly removing the wound fluid, stimulating blood circulation in the wound, preventing or reducing swelling and bringing the wound edges together more quickly.
How does negative pressure therapy work?
A kind of sponge (also called foam) or gauze is applied in or on to the wound and then taped into place with a transparent film dressing. An opening is cut into this film dressing and upon which an suction pad is fitted. Using a tube, this suction pad is connected with a vacuum pump (type Exsudex® XS), which removes the wound exudate, together with any bacteria, and generates a negative pressure around the wound.
Mobile unit Exsudex® XS with carrying bag
Example of a dressing set for negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT)